Cardano Lands $HEXO Staking



Hexonium is Cardano Lands' in-game token and it'll be used in the first game - Metalab. This is the place where you can exchange your Hexonium for basic elements and combine them to craft and invent new resources.

High League staking

We are proud to announce that Ragnarök Reptiles is a High League project on the Cardanolands platform. Projects that gain 250 000 votes or more to unlock the High League achievement. High League - grants access to stake NFTs and earn Rewards CONSTANTLY, without being affected by leaderboard positions.

Non-High League projects Every 14 days we are making the snapshot of the leaderboard and in case your collection is at the top you will be able to stake your collection for the next 14 days. To be able to stake you need to connect with your wallet and in the Inventory menu, you will see your collection and its Mining Power.

You don't need to lock your CNFTs on a smart contract, since Cardanolands staking is non-custodial.

  • Season 1 Ragnarök Reptiles generate approximately: 0,58 $HEXO

  • Season 2 Ragnarök Reptiles generate approximately: (TBA) $HEXO

  • Valkyries CNFTs generate approximately: 4,7 $HEXO

  • The Gates of Valhalla CNFT generate approximately: 9,7 $HEXO


Get basic elements and combine them to invent new resources! Users who discover new recipes earn guaranteed prizes (1 recipe = 1 reward). They also receive raffle tickets which win additional rewards from the Inventor’s Prize Pool: $ADA, $EXO, Mining Tools and limited edition CNFTs. When all available recipes have been discovered, a large number of users will rank higher, and the game as a whole will proceed to the next phase, in which the full, extended gameplay of Cardano Lands is developed.


Cardano Lands enables users to buy, sell, and exchange resources on the official marketplace of the platform. This adds to the liquidity and demand of resources, while providing additional utility for EXO tokens. In time, the marketplace will enhance the open economy of the game, allowing those who invest more time in the game to access growth opportunities that lead to increased rewards.

Last updated