Gates of Valhalla

Supply: 234

Price: Free airdop for holders

Release date: WL 11th of Januari 2023

Policy ID: ceff8635253aca0d3b4b6a39215d46fb5b5c0d5129b8676ea5497bf7

The Gates of Valhalla symbolise the entrance to the Kingdom of Asgard. This CNFT signifies the holder as a loyal member of Ragnarök Reptiles.

The utility attached to this CNFT:

- Mint a S2 Reptile from a wallet that contains this NFT will result in a 25% discount (44 ADA > 33 ADA).

- We will be applying to have this added to CardanoLands staking portal as we have done with Valkyries.

- The Gates of Valhalla will be eligible for staking in return for our $ODIN token.

Last updated