Future development

Our Roadmap 2.0 will be released in full following Season 2. For now we'll give a high-level overview of some of the things we're planning to achieve over the next period

  • $ODIN Airdrop

  • Reptile NFT Staking & $ODIN utility integration for purchases and competition entries

  • Physical Merch (NFTouchable) & 3D printed Reptile models

  • Further collaborations with current partners (Cardano Lands), and expansion with new partners in the Cardano ecosystem

  • NFT airdrops (for exclusive roles such as Heimdall etc.)

  • Custom 1/1 NFT's + mini collections exclusive to $ODIN

  • Reptile Battle Royale (More info to be announced in future)

  • Reptile raffle tickets

Last updated