The Mannaz

Loyal only to the God of War, TYR

This faction is like no other, to join you must prove yourself worthy to honour this symbol. The Mannaz stand for power and courage, one misunderstood rule that they follow is they hold peace above conflict and like Tyr seek justice above all else.

From the first days of Tyr’s rule, reptiles with great acts of valor were chosen to be Mannaz worthy. In recent years, these triumphant feats are war stories from the past and fewer reptiles are chosen to join the faction year on year.

Today the Mannaz symbol can be found upon the chest of only the most worthy Reptilians as a sign of their loyalty to Tyr.

The strength of Mannaz is roaring once again as the long winter approaches.

The Mannaz generals have heard the drums of war beating, and only Tyr's hand can save this world from the dark that is to come. This faction will not backdown from this fight, they will see that justice prevails.

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